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Welcome to Clinch Recruitment Marketing Suite - Community Feedback Forum

A great place to post your ideas and vote on others so that you can let us know what is important to you.

Please take the time to register, and then share your detailed use case and how the proposed enhancements could provide value to your organisation.

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Recruitment Marketing Community Portal

Showing 122 of 122

Video collection web component

Although being able to implement one video works with the video block, it would be good to have a web component which allows you to showcase one 'main' video with a carousel of smaller videos alongside which allows the user to view more videos on ...
Amber Bennett about 1 year ago in Clinch Recruitment Marketing 4 Under review

Add video interviewing such as Vieple or HireVue to RM platform which allow candidates create and add a video to their profile

"To help improve the engagement of our talent communities, I’d like to offer them the opportunity to add additional value to their RM profile by creating a video using a video interviewing platform such as Vieple or HireVue or another SaaS vendor....
Guest over 1 year ago in Clinch Recruitment Marketing 2 Not currently aligned

5 column row

We are looking for a row with 5 even columns across.
Guest 4 months ago in  1 Under review

Greenhouse Source Codes Not Remembered for the Whole Web Session

Add the gh_src paramater to all Clinch pages.
Tannum Sullivan 10 months ago in Clinch Recruitment Marketing 1 More information required

Mapping generic lists to job template fields

RM has mapped fields from the ATS to use as job template fields. EG Brand, site etc. Extending this support to generic lists would increase customisability of themed, targeted job search pages.
Guest about 1 year ago in  1 Not currently aligned

Create insider activity reports per month

we are trying to keep our insiders engaged and active, it would be great to be able to pull reports to show the number of questions answered, how many comments made and how many times they are asked a question, for each month rather than for all t...
Georgie Howard 11 months ago in Clinch Employee Connections 0 Current direction

Reports Hidden for Users without Reporting Permissions

Hide reports for users that do not have reporting permissions.
Bethany Gwiazda 11 months ago in Clinch Recruitment Marketing 1 Under review

Shared Phone Numbers for Candidates without Combining Profiles

shift the merging requirement to be if the phone number, email, and name matches then merge the two candidates rather than merging just based on phone number. This will be beneficial for any company that hires hourly workers that may share a phone...
Guest 11 months ago in Clinch Recruitment Marketing 0 Under review

Folder structure within 'lists'

Introducing simple folder structures within lists, such that we are able to group lists belonging to a specific 'folder' together. For example, if list 1, list 2 and list 3 can be grouped as belonging to 'Graduate Career events' such that they can...
Sudha Venkataramana over 3 years ago in Clinch Recruitment Marketing 1 Future consideration

Ability to search by two-letter state abbreviation

Functionality to search by two-letter state abbreviation
Bethany Gwiazda 12 months ago in Clinch Recruitment Marketing 1 Future consideration