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Welcome to Clinch Recruitment Marketing Suite - Community Feedback Forum

A great place to post your ideas and vote on others so that you can let us know what is important to you.

Please take the time to register, and then share your detailed use case and how the proposed enhancements could provide value to your organisation.

We endeavour to provide an initial response to all ideas in a timely manner.

Experience Community

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Recruitment Marketing Community Portal

Showing 29

12 Hour Time Option

Most of our audience is more accustomed to 12 hour time as opposed to 24 hour time. We are hosting a live chat, and the default times are in 24 hour time. It's not the end of the world but may be confusing upon first glance if you're not used to i...
Kendall Brogdon 7 months ago in Clinch Employee Connections 0 Under review

Add Filters and Sort functionality to Traffic Sources

see above
Guest 3 months ago in Clinch Recruitment Marketing 2 Under review

Renaming Items and slides within Carousels

The current process to create a carousel is great - but the naming convention of each 'part' is not very intuitive. When creating a carousel, I am asked how many 'Items' I want to have. So if I have 10 photos, I intuitively want to say 'I have 10 ...
Guest 3 months ago in Clinch Recruitment Marketing 1 Under review

Video collection web component

Although being able to implement one video works with the video block, it would be good to have a web component which allows you to showcase one 'main' video with a carousel of smaller videos alongside which allows the user to view more videos on ...
Amber Bennett about 1 year ago in Clinch Recruitment Marketing 4 Under review

5 column row

We are looking for a row with 5 even columns across.
Guest 4 months ago in  1 Under review

Reports Hidden for Users without Reporting Permissions

Hide reports for users that do not have reporting permissions.
Bethany Gwiazda 11 months ago in Clinch Recruitment Marketing 1 Under review

Shared Phone Numbers for Candidates without Combining Profiles

shift the merging requirement to be if the phone number, email, and name matches then merge the two candidates rather than merging just based on phone number. This will be beneficial for any company that hires hourly workers that may share a phone...
Guest 11 months ago in Clinch Recruitment Marketing 0 Under review

Auto-populated drop down within a CTA

We need to allocate talent into the accurate "talent communities" via one comprehensive CTA with predictive drop downs based on candidate selection. EXAMPLE: I am interested in : {selects: Corporate functions} Predictive drop down = I specialize i...
Guest over 1 year ago in Clinch Recruitment Marketing 1 Under review

"No results" text

We would like the ability to add custom text to this areas, linking users to other content if needed (rich text capability). Raised previously in 2021 and "Shipped" with no further action, so looking to raise again to assess feasibility. Thanks, Tom
Tom Chippendale about 1 year ago in Clinch Recruitment Marketing 3 Under review

Email Campaign Approval User Role and Process

I am proposing a user role and workflow similar to the existing content approver/content requester setup except for email campaigns. Currently, all users in the "recruiter" role have access to all email functions, including creating and sending. I...
Kendall Brogdon 8 months ago in Clinch Recruitment Marketing 1 Under review