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Welcome to Clinch Recruitment Marketing Suite - Community Feedback Forum

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Status Under review
Created by Tom Chippendale
Created on Nov 13, 2023

"No results" text

We would like the ability to add custom text to this areas, linking users to other content if needed (rich text capability).

Raised previously in 2021 and "Shipped" with no further action, so looking to raise again to assess feasibility.

Thanks, Tom

What is the business process you are trying to achieve?

Search results show "No results found". We would like to improve this process by offering users a way to continue their journey with follow up calls to action, rather than end on a blank search results page.

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    Steve Oxley
    Jul 2, 2024

    Noting that a similar idea has been suggested here.


    Steve Oxley
    Product Manager

  • Admin
    Steve Oxley
    Nov 19, 2023

    Thanks for taking the time to submit this suggestion Tom.

    As noted, a similar request has been submitted previously, and whilst at that time it wasn't deemed feasible to change the behaviour significantly, a small change was made to soften the wording somewhat.

    I do, however, understand the desire to have a more verbose and editable message available here, so I will discuss again with the engineering team to understand what options may be available to us.


    Steve Oxley
    Product Manager

    1 reply