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Welcome to Clinch Recruitment Marketing Suite - Community Feedback Forum

A great place to post your ideas and vote on others so that you can let us know what is important to you.

Please take the time to register, and then share your detailed use case and how the proposed enhancements could provide value to your organisation.

We endeavour to provide an initial response to all ideas in a timely manner.

Experience Community

Our Experience Designers are always excited to talk to our customers about your experiences with the system. If you are keen to chat to them, you can easily book a short session with a member of the team right here.


All ideas

Showing 4

Calendar functionality

A calendar widget or functionality to be able to have a calendar on a blog page.
Guest 6 days ago in Clinch Recruitment Marketing 0 New idea

Job Link Searchable

Create the ability to search links when adding a link into an email.
Lauren Rowe 23 days ago in Clinch Recruitment Marketing 0 New idea

Go back to previous Workflow Step option

Adding a step to a workflow to go back to the previous step. For example if the step is to check if a job application status has been completed, create the if/else branch and if no, go back to check if the job application has been completed after ...
Lauren Rowe 23 days ago in Clinch Recruitment Marketing 0 New idea

Ability to Scrape pages to create content for emails

The ability for the platform to crawl/scrape pages within the career site to then generate content for a newsletter for example. Similar to how news outlets provide a daily email of all of the latest news stories. Populate recent blog posts, recen...
Lauren Rowe 20 days ago in Clinch Recruitment Marketing 0 New idea