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Welcome to Clinch Recruitment Marketing Suite - Community Feedback Forum

A great place to post your ideas and vote on others so that you can let us know what is important to you.

Please take the time to register, and then share your detailed use case and how the proposed enhancements could provide value to your organisation.

We endeavour to provide an initial response to all ideas in a timely manner.

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Recruitment Marketing Community Portal

Showing 122 of 122

Add logic to behavioral job suggestions so that it takes location into account

see above
Guest 9 months ago in Clinch Recruitment Marketing 2 Under review

Correct Format of Job Selection Pop Up Menu

1 - add an option to expand the popup menu's size / width 2- have the pop up menu adjust to fit all of the information per job, so users can ensure they're selecting the correct job
Bethany Gwiazda 9 months ago in  1 Under review

Automated Email Nurture ​

Context: Currently, we cannot send automated emails based on certain actions taken. ​ Request: We want to be able to build workflows where we can automatically send emails based on certain actions taken. ​
Guest over 1 year ago in Clinch Recruitment Marketing 1 Current direction

User Management - Download CSV to Include More Fields

Add additional fields to the Excel / CSV sheet that is exported from the User Management screen. Or to add custom options for which account fields get pulled into the report per user. Ex. including the option to include the User's Title or Phone N...
Bethany Gwiazda 10 months ago in Clinch Recruitment Marketing 2 More information required

Vimeo embed link support within Blog body

We host all our videos on Vimeo and we would like to be able to use the Vimeo embed codes to post our videos within the body of our blogs. This feature is available on all webpages but not available on blog pages.
Tom Hansen over 1 year ago in Clinch Recruitment Marketing 1 Under review

Sending campaigns to non-openers

When you send a campaign, there are options to set up a sequence where you can add in delays and send workflow emails to the same group of people. But it would be nice if we could segment the audience into those that opened the email and those tha...
Kendall Brogdon over 1 year ago in Clinch Recruitment Marketing 1 Current direction

Require Author for templates and content

Create an Admin setting that allows to toggle the Author field from 'Required' to 'Not Required' in different scenarios where the field is offered around the platform. Ex: Require Author for Email Templates? Yes No Require Author for Lists? Yes No...
Bethany Gwiazda 10 months ago in Clinch Recruitment Marketing 2 More information required

User Audit Log Filters / Sorting

Add filters to the columns, add a date parameter so we can see what actions were taken within a certain timeframe, add the option to custom sort the columns, and allow for an export of the original and manipulated/filtered data
Bethany Gwiazda 10 months ago in Clinch Recruitment Marketing 1 Future consideration

webpage tagging

Page tagging for webpages within the Web Campaigns and Careers site folders. The ability to search and filter by the specified tags. Similar to how the Image tags work.
Tom Hansen 11 months ago in Clinch Recruitment Marketing 1 Future consideration

Functionality to Rearrange Column Headers

Create the ability to click & drag column headers to create a customized view of the candidate lists in the CRM.
Bethany Gwiazda 12 months ago in Clinch Recruitment Marketing 2 More information required