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Welcome to Clinch Recruitment Marketing Suite - Community Feedback Forum

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Created by Guest
Created on Oct 2, 2023

Provide option to open page in new tab after CTA submission

We want to open Events pages in new tab after a user successfully submits CTA for a campaign, for example. currently, when user successfully submits CTA, they can only redirect them to a page or url, but not open page on a new tab.

What is the business process you are trying to achieve?

Allowing the new page to open in a new tab allows the website visitor to be able to easily navigate back to the original page.

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    Steve Oxley
    Nov 22, 2023

    I'm please to confirm that this functionality is now available.

    When configuring a call to action form which includes a redirect following the submission of the form, you can now choose whether to open the new page in the same browser tab, or whether to open a new tab.

    Details are available on our release notes page.


    Steve Oxley
    Product Manager

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    Steve Oxley
    Oct 17, 2023

    Further to my last update, we have concluded our investigation into this suggestion, and we believe this enhancement has the potential to add value to a number of current and future customers.

    With that in mind, we've scheduled some time into our development roadmap to add functionality to allow customers to indicate how the redirect should behave (i.e. open in new tab or open in same tab) folllowing the submission of the CTA form.

    Whilst timing is subject to change, we are working towards having this functionality available by the end of the current month (October 2023).

    We will provide an update via the release notes on the Knowledge Portal in due course.


    Steve Oxley
    Product Manager

  • Admin
    Steve Oxley
    Oct 12, 2023

    Thanks for submitting this suggestion Demi.

    We are looking into the feasibility of being able to provide this as a configuration option when setting up a CTA form.

    I'll provde a further update once that investigation is completed.


    Steve Oxley
    Product Manager