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Welcome to Clinch Recruitment Marketing Suite - Community Feedback Forum

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Created by Andy Egan
Created on Jun 1, 2021

Support for H4 and H5 header text size

H4 and H5 font size Header Sizes. Clients who use more than H1, H2 and H3 in their branding content and copy will benefit with the alignment to their style guides, ensuring consistency across their corporate and careers sites for brand identity purposes and the candidate experience.

What is the business process you are trying to achieve?

HammondCare are building and testing their web pages at the moment, and notice there is only support for H1, H2 and H3. Feedback from HammondCare:

  • H1 size is too big, H2 size is too small, H3 size is also too small for our Headers.

  • We can’t be using H1 and H2 consistently across the site as it’s bad for SEO and we will be penalised by Google (they scrape key words in these Header sizes, so basic headings that we do not want pulled into search results is at risk.

We would like to be able to align to our style guide and avoid SEO impacts with H4 and H5.

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  • Admin
    Steve Oxley
    Jun 11, 2021

    This enhancement has now been completed, and is available for use within the system now.

    Users are now able to select H4 and H5 headings when editing website content via the WYSIWYG editor.

    Steve Oxley
    Product Manager - Recruitment Marketing

  • Admin
    Steve Oxley
    Jun 2, 2021

    Thanks for submitting this feedback on behalf of your client Andy.

    We have reviewed this item with the engineering team, and we've been able to add H4 and H5 heading support to the WYSIWYG editor.

    This enhancement will be available for use in the coming days.

    Steve Oxley
    Product Manager - Recruitment Marketing