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Welcome to Clinch Recruitment Marketing Suite - Community Feedback Forum

A great place to post your ideas and vote on others so that you can let us know what is important to you.

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Created by Kristyn
Created on Aug 19, 2021

CRM newsletter themes

We'd like to have a more user friendly way of designing themes in the CRM for when we send out newsletters to our database. At the moment, it's through CSS which is difficult to do.

What is the business process you are trying to achieve?

Easier way to design newsletters in the CRM.

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    Steve Oxley
    Jun 20, 2024

    The visual email builder was made available to all customers during 2023.


    Steve Oxley
    Product Manager

  • Admin
    Steve Oxley
    Feb 23, 2022

    By way of an update on this suggestion, our engineering team are currently working on an ehancement to the system to support the visual editing of email content.

    The functionality will be similar to the page editor in the content management system, and allow users to more easily tailor the content in their email campaigns and messages without the need to manipulate the raw HTML.

    We'll provide an update via the release notes on the knowledge portal once this functionality has been completed.


    Steve Oxley
    Product Manager

  • Admin
    Steve Oxley
    Sep 3, 2021

    Thanks for sharing this suggestion Kristyn.

    Our team are doing some exploratory work to understand how we might be simplify the process of building email templates within the system.

    Once that work has progressed, we'll share some ideas of how this might be achieved.


    Steve Oxley
    Product Manager