A great place to post your ideas and vote on others so that you can let us know what is important to you.
Please take the time to register, and then share your detailed use case and how the proposed enhancements could provide value to your organisation.
We endeavour to provide an initial response to all ideas in a timely manner.
Thanks for taking the time to submit this suggestion Yazen, and for additional commentary Esther.
The ability to segment date within the CRM database is a topic that the product team discuss on a regular basis to understand the current market needs, as well as the technical options available to us.
Whilst this item isn't currently on the near term roadmap, it is certainly topic that we will once again cover in dedicate planning session towards the end of the calendar year.
Steve Oxley
Product Manager
More control on Data Restrictions/Access ie only granting user access to certain elements ( Projects/Lists etc) in the CRM.