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Welcome to Clinch Recruitment Marketing Suite - Community Feedback Forum

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Status More information required
Created by Guest
Created on May 2, 2024

Add specific detail/summary to user logs on any and all changes that were made

Add more detailed summary/info to the user log of the changes that have been made to a page. i.e. which specific block was changed, were multiple blocks changed, what were the changes made?

What is the business process you are trying to achieve?

More visibility on exact changes being made to blocks on pages including text, image, sizing changes. Right now the user logs provide the page, time and date that a user made a change but does not specify what that change was.

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  • Admin
    Steve Oxley
    Jun 21, 2024

    Thanks for the additional information Christal - that's very helpful.

    I will be discussing this further with our team and will circle back when I have anything meaningful to share.


    Steve Oxley
    Product Manager

  • Guest
    Jun 20, 2024

    I would like to know what content was changed. We would like to have a record of what was changed. If one of our translation leads requested approval for changes, they could have made a space change or completely revised the entire text. I would never know as the Website Manager. I also don't know how accurate the Clinch/Google Translate is for future content. If I consistently see that the translations for French are drastically changed, then I would never publish French auto translations prior to having a human translator adjust.

  • Admin
    Steve Oxley
    Jun 20, 2024

    Thanks for submitting this suggestion on behalf of your customer Alyssa.

    Can you please expand more on the business problem that this request is aiming to resolve.

    Is it:

    • the ability to retrospectively see who made a particular change


    • the ability to more clearly see the changes between versions in order to assist in the review / approval of page changes prior to publication?

    If neither of the above, please provide further detail on the business need.



    Steve Oxley
    Product Manager