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Status More information required
Created by Guest
Created on Apr 16, 2024

Integration with Indeed Easy Apply

Build an integration with Indeed easy apply where candidates can route through clinch and into the ats so they are effectively tracked in both systems.

What is the business process you are trying to achieve?

Currently the indeed easy apply process is not supported by Clinch so any candidates that apply through indeed easy apply will always bypass clinch and go direct into the ats system. Anytime that you sponsor a job with Indeed they automatically create a new listing with an easy apply option so even when you use the xml feed with indeed in clinch, they candidates are still usually bypassing the clinch listing.

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  • Admin
    Steve Oxley
    Jun 21, 2024

    Thanks for the additional information Jennifer - that's very helpful.

    Whilst there isn't currently a configuration option which would allow to the candidate flow to be Indeed Easy Apply > Clinch > Workday, I had a quick look at the configuration of the Workday integration within your Clinch system, and I notice that "Import Unknown Candidates" is enabled.

    This should mean that whilst those candidates who have applied via Indeed Easy Apply don't initially get routed through Clinch, they should get pulled in to Clinch the next time the candidate synch happens.

    It would be worth spot checking a couple of candidates who applied via Indeed Easy Apply (assuming you can identify them in Workday) on your next call with your CSM to confirm that those candidates are getting pulled into Clinch as I would anticipate.


    Steve Oxley
    Product Manager

  • Jennifer Abreu
    Jun 20, 2024

    Hi Steve -

    Thank you for looking into this request. A LARGE number of candidates use the 'easy apply' process within Indeed to quickly apply with their Indeed profile. Recently, Indeed provided the ability to pass those applications directly to Workday. In an effort to make the application process easier for our candidates, we can implement this new functionality, but in doing so they will bypass Clinch all together.

    Our hope was that there was a way to still have these candidates complete their Indeed easy apply and then be sent to Clinch and then onto Workday. This would keep all of the candidates in the CRM for future use/reporting.

  • Admin
    Steve Oxley
    Jun 20, 2024

    Thanks for submitting this suggestion on behalf of your customers Alyssa.

    Can you please provide additional context in terms of the business problems we are looking for a potential easy apply integration to potentially address.

    It is my understanding that the applications submitted via the Indeed Easy Apply function would be automatically passed to the customer's ATS from Indeed. Assuming that the customer's ATS integration within Clinch was configured to include "Unkown candidates", then in theory the candidates who apply via Easy Apply would end up within the CRM database in Clinch.

    Perhaps the above understanding is incorrect, so any additional context you, or others that have contributed to this suggestion can add would be extremely helpful.



    Steve Oxley
    Product Manager