A great place to post your ideas and vote on others so that you can let us know what is important to you.
Please take the time to register, and then share your detailed use case and how the proposed enhancements could provide value to your organisation.
We endeavour to provide an initial response to all ideas in a timely manner.
The ability to brand specific jobs on the careers site can be achieved by utilising existing "job routing" functionality.
This functionality allows the job template displayed for a particular job to be determined automatically based on specific attributes of the job.
There are no current plans to introduce the additional concept of "job templates" to the recruitment marketing powered sites, as this would essentially result in a duplication of functionality to achieve the same outcome.
Steve Oxley
Product Manager
Thanks Steve. Happy to explain this further.
Thanks for taking the time to provide this feedback Kristyn.
Whilst the concept of ad design templates doesn't really exist in the same way in the recruitment marketing module, I believe the existing "job routing" functionality within recruitment marketing will allow you to achieve the same branding outcomes that you are looking for.
I will ask your Customer Success Manager to reach out to you to discuss this further.
Steve Oxley
Product Manager